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Making It Work: Family Law That Solves Problems

ByThe Spence Law Firm Oct. 20, 2021

When it comes to family law, a lot of the work that goes on is about creating harmonious agreements between two or more parties, in what can be a volatile situation. It’s about coming to the table and getting some sort of consensus in place, which can be easier said than done. But across the country, millions of families are making it work. They’re establishing joint custody schedules, working out where assets go, and setting ground rules that, with luck, will allow a blended or multi-segmented family to grow and expand and journey on ‘separate, yet together.’

We are about making it work for our clients, not just filing items in court and collecting fees. We know that family law is about much more than money – it’s about your future, and the future of people that you have deep if sometimes conflicted relationships with.

Determining Asset Agreements

It’s human nature to want the most out of some type of grab for assets, but that sort of activity doesn’t usually lead to easy resolution. It can just as easily lead down the garden path to more conflict and more complexity.

It’s not that family lawyers can’t handle the complexity – in fact, they often get more billable hours. But it’s not really good for the clients, who have to keep banging their heads against the wall in terms of securing agreements that they can handle and outcomes that they can afford.

You may have heard some of the urban legends of family law about fathers being garnished into poverty and working under the table to escape the responsibility of child support or alimony payments, while, on the other hand, the impoverished mother waits for payments that don’t come. But that’s not the way it has to be.

In an initial consultation, you can find out some options for easy case resolution and better outcomes in a divorce proceeding.

Joint Custody

Joint custody is about the most important thing in your life – your kids.

There are specific logistics to consider, and important items to resolve. With the right checklist and the right care and attention to focusing a case in a coherent way, you get further toward your goals, and you’re less likely to get embroiled in more costly controversy as time goes on.

That’s it in a nutshell, but there’s a lot more to say about how to secure your rights under the law in the state of Florida. Let the Spence Law Firm help!