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Rich the Kid Owes Fashion Retailer $130,000

By Richard Dec. 13, 2021

Rich The Kid is in some hot water with Fashion Nova. The rapper has been ordered to pay the retail company $130,000 for a breach of contract.

In October, the fashion brand sued Rich The Kid for breaching a contract he signed back in 2018. The rapper was paid about $100,000 to be a brand ambassador for the company, which meant he had to make social media posts promoting their products and he was supposed to mention them in one of his songs. Unfortunately, Rich only made one post, and never mentioned the company in a song, thus breaching the contact with the company in April 2019.

Fashion Nova first took the rapper to court back in January, and had him served with a summons on August 28. He reportedly failed to respond to the complaint by September 27th, which resulted in this new order for payment of $130k. Failing to file an answer to the complaint is the fastest way to lose a lawsuit.

This is definitely a setback for Rich The Kid, who is already dealing with other legal issues. In July 2019, he was sued by another fashion company called Dapper Dan for $250k. Looks like the rapper needs to get his financial situation in order if he wants to avoid more lawsuits! Or maybe the Kid needs to consult with the breach of contract lawyers at the Spence Law Firm to avoid running afoul of any more contracts.