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Wife Tries To Force Settlement At Gunpoint

ByThe Spence Law Firm March 23, 2020

A quick and somewhat obvious piece of advice for divorce litigants in Orlando: Do NOT force your spouse to sign a settlement agreement at gunpoint! It’s illegal and the agreement is voidable, among other things. That is the problem faced by Millanie Sherbrook of Pensacola.

Ms. Sherbrook and her husband were arguing about their impending divorce, but the husband refused to sign settlement papers given to him by his wife. Instead, he told her he would prefer to go through the court system rather than sign the settlement documents. His wife did not like this response so she grabbed a .38 caliber revolver, pointed it at her husband and told him to sign the papers.

Being a man of some common sense, her husband eventually gave in and signed the papers. After his wife continued to follow him around with the gun, he called police who arrested Ms. Sherbrook for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. (Apparently forcing him to sign at gunpoint was not enough for the Husband to call police). Ms. Sherbrook’s husband was afraid of his wife, as he explained to the deputies who responded, because “she’s a good shooter.”

UPDATE: The original charge of aggravated assault was dismissed due to insufficient evidence. On Valentine’s Day 2021 the husband filed a motion to dismiss his pending divorce case. Four days later he walked into his wife’s home and she shot him dead. The shooting is under investigation.

Now settlement is always a good thing to pursue in divorce or in any type of litigation, but settlement has to be something that both parties agree on, not what one party forces the other to accept, whether through force or intimidation.

Don’t let your spouse intimidate you. Call the Spence Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your divorce or family law matter in confidence, and peace.